Jacob began his famous sermon, recorded in James 1, with the word blessed. We are blessed and should have a sense of awe and gratitude that God would choose to give us his Spirit and make us his children. This blessing gives us wisdom, but it also comes with a warning, “Anyone who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Jas 1:6).” According to this passage, belief in the rewards of God is central in our salvation.

In this sermon, Jacob looked to the future and saw that the reward God had for those who believe would take place in the 20^{th} century. This is my personal belief because I saw it in a dream that came to me in the 1940s in a southern Illinois logging community that I lived in.

I saw the Old Testament being rebuilt and with it a people were being rebuilt. It was a wonderful and amazing vision and I knew that I wanted to be a part of it. I did not know where they were, but I wanted to be a part of it.

I believe that I was just a young boy at the time I saw this vision, for I do not believe that I could have seen and understood the truth in the Bible had I been an adult at the time. My belief has been confirmed by the writings of the prophets in the Bible.

That book, the Bible, contains both wisdom and warning for the people of God. It begins with an announcement that God has chosen to reveal himself. It begins with God speaking to Abraham telling him that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you (Gen 12:3).” Because of that promise, his son Isaac was born, who was the father of Jacob, and through him the birth of the nation of Israel took place, a nation that is a blessing to the whole world.

One of the blessings that Israel became to the whole world was the beginning of the organization of churches, which came to be known as the Christian church. This organization of churches are full of pastors, evangelists, teachers, apostles, and prophets, all with different ways of teaching and preaching the gospel (Eph 4:7-13).

What Is the Gospel?

What is the gospel? The gospel is a message that tells of the coming of the Messiah, who would come to bring God’s blessings to mankind, and to bring the kingdom of God to the earth. The gospel is a message of blessing! Without this blessing, mankind is doomed to destruction because of sin. Without God’s blessing man is doomed to spiritual death.

The gospel is God’s blessing to mankind. It is the message that was delivered to the Wise Men who traveled to Jerusalem to see the infant messiah that was born to delivder the message of the kingdom of God and who would rule with righteousness and justice. These kings traveled from the east because they had heard the gospel through their religious traditions.

Today, you can hear the same message. It is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:16). The Bible contains this message, and within this message you can discover the message of the kingdom of God, the message of the kingdom of heaven, the message of the kingdom of Christ. The Gospel message is the message of salvation through the Savior, Jesus Christ. But it is not simply a message of salvation to get your soul into heaven when you die. This message is a gospel of the kingdom of God, where peace and justice and righteousness will once again reign.

This message is the good news of salvation through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, who is the Messiah. He is the one who came to save Israel, and he is the one that is coming to save the whole world. This is the gospel of the kingdom (Mat 24:14). This message is a message of healing (Mat 10:8), of casting out demons (Mat 10:8) and of proclaiming the kingdom of God through healing and preaching that people will turn to God and live (Mat 10:8). This is a message of hope!

This is the message that was brought to Mary by Gabriel, and it was the message of hope to all mankind. This gospel is the message of eternal life, which means that man is reconciled to God through the sacrifice of the Son of God. But it also means that God will reign on the earth with peace and justice, as it was in the days of David and Solomon. This is the gospel.

This message came through the apostles. They were the ones who were called and commissioned to go out and preach the gospel message to the ends of the earth. They were the ones chosen by God to deliver this message and to preach it with power. The gospel is a message of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, but it is more than that, it is the message of the kingdom of God. This is the gospel of the kingdom.

Within this message is a warning that if you do not believe in the message of the Son of God, then you will not receive the message, and your soul will be destroyed through your sin. There is a way to have your sins forgiven, and that way is through belief in the Son. This is the message of the gospel.

This gospel of the kingdom also warns us that it is not just a message of the life to come, but the message of life now. This is the life that we are living in heaven now. The gospel is a message of peace and reconciliation with the Father. It is a message of hope. It is a message that says that God has given us a new life in him. It is a message that says that God will be with us always and will show us his way to salvation.

The Gospel and the Law

The gospel is a message of hope and deliverance. But this message of hope and deliverance was not the only message of Christianity. It was not the only message that was given to the people of God. They also received a message of law and judgment. The law is the law of Moses and the prophets, and it is a message of judgment and destruction for those who do not listen to it. It is a message of justice, and it is a message of reward to those who do receive it.

The gospel and the law are combined in the message of Christ, and it is this combination that is the gospel of the kingdom. The gospel is a message of hope and deliverance for those who believe in the Son, but the law is a message of judgment to those who do not believe. The gospel is the message of hope and salvation, but the law is the message of judgment. It is this combination of the message of hope and deliverance and the message of judgment that is the gospel of the kingdom.

This combination of the gospel and the law was given to the Jews with the arrival of Jesus Christ. He was the messenger of the gospel and the law. He was the savior of Israel, and he was the messenger of God’s judgment. This combination of the gospel and the law was given to the Jews through Moses and the prophets, and it was given to the Christians through Christ (Mat 5:17-20).

The gospel and the law were given to the people of God through the Old Testament, and they were given to the people of God through the New Testament. The gospel and the law were given to them by God. It is this combination of the gospel and the law that is the gospel of the kingdom, and it is a message of salvation and judgment.

The gospel is the message of reconciliation with God, and it is a message that is full of hope and deliverance. It is the gospel that brings salvation and deliverance to the believer. The law is the message of judgment and retribution that is full of wrath and judgment. It is this combination of the gospel and the law that is the gospel of the kingdom, and it is a message of salvation and judgment that is given to the people of God through the prophets and the apostles.

The Message of the Kingdom in the Old Testament

The Old Testament is a message of hope and deliverance to Israel. It is a message of salvation through the Messiah. It is a message that tells us that the Messiah came to deliver Israel, and it is a message that tells us that the Messiah came to deliver the whole world. The Old Testament is a message of salvation that was given to the people of God, and it is the message of salvation that is given to us.

The New Testament is the message of hope and deliverance to the Gentiles, and it is a message of salvation that comes through belief in the Son. The g