Sermon Series on Romans 8 - The End of the Beginning

The final sermon in this series on Romans 8 is one I wanted to deliver a few weeks ago but felt the Spirit say wait. I believe it was worth waiting for. And, I believe it was worth the wait for you to hear.

We have been in our sermon series on Romans 8 - The End of the Beginning. Romans 8 was Paul's conclusion to his work - the culmination of his teaching that started back in Romans 1 with the introduction of the gospel.

Last week we looked at Romans 8:28-30 - God's promise to guide us through trouble into the victory He has created for us through Christ.

This week we are looking at Romans 8:19-22 - God's plan for the resurrection of all things.

In Romans 8, Paul gets to Romans 8:19 through 22 and there is a shift in the Apostle's tone. When Paul talks about things changing - he shifts from a 'we are' to a 'we will be' perspective.

Romans 8:19 - For the anxious longing of the Creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the Sons of God.

Romans 8:21 - For the whole Creation will be set free from the slavery of corruption and share in the glorious freedom of God's children.

Romans 8:22 - We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose for them.

There is a shift from what is present to what is coming in the future. Paul concludes his work with hope, not despair.

Have you ever looked at a scene in nature and been awed? Have you ever experienced the beauty of a sunset - or the blue of the sky as you see it on a sunny day? Have you ever noticed the beauty of a sunrise? Have you ever been in a forest and looked up and marveled at the canopy of green above you?

What does it awe inside of you? What makes you realize your own insignificance in the face of such beauty? Why is it that when you have a chance to see such beauty you stop and marvel and worship?

I am confident this week you will discover awe within you. Not because we have such a magnificent story - but because God is too big to be contained or understood.

Our passage this week deals with God’s End Times Plan for the Creation - it deals with a future many may be afraid to look toward - a time when God will make right all of his creation. The promise is one many may dismiss and not take seriously - so let’s dive in with the last sermon in our sermon series - The End of the Beginning.

The Subject

In the next couple of weeks you will hear two sermons from me on this topic - this week and the following week we will be looking at the End of the Beginning.

My sermon series for March, April, and May will be on Genesis. I have been wanting to start this series for a while and I feel now is the time. The sermons will start with God’s creation of the Cosmos - and lead us through the Fall. My plan is to go through the Fall of Adam, to the Fall of all of God’s Children - Noah’s Flood, the Tower of Babel, the confusion of languages, Abraham, Moses, the Israelites, through to the restoration of God’s People. I intend to explore God’s Plan to restore his people, his land, his eternal plan for his people.

Over the next two sermons I want to give you a small taste of the End of the Beginning.


In the Message, Eugene Peterson translates Romans 8:21 in a slightly different way. Instead of saying ‘the whole Creation’ he says ‘Creation itself.’

Here is the difference. The whole Creation refers to all of life - the things that live and grow.

Creation refers to the whole of the earth and the things that are upon it - not just life but all of the earth - animals, plants, rocks, mountains, seas, things like that.

Romans 8:21 - For the Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and will display the glorious freedom of the Children of God.


This week I am asking you a question to ask yourself about the future.

Do you long to see God’s Kingdom manifest on earth?

Do you long to see God’s Kingdom manifested on earth?

Do you long to se God’s Kingdom manifested?

I believe we all long to see God’s Kingdom manifested on earth. God is too big - too mighty. His Kingdom is too wonderful - too glorious for us to not long for his Kingdom to come to earth.

This week I want you to go somewhere and be filled with awe and wonder.

I want you to go somewhere and discover the beauty and grace of God’s creation.

I want you to go somewhere and feel small before his majesty and power.

I want you to go somewhere and let yourself be inspired.

I want you to go somewhere and let yourself be filled with the beauty of the love of God.

I want you to go somewhere and let yourself be awed by the mightiness and magnificence of God’s love.

Go somewhere and I believe you will discover what it is - even in the small things, you will discover how much God loves you - and the beauty of that love will awe and inspire you.


Romans 8:19 - For the anxious longing of the Creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the Sons of God.

Romans 8:21 - For the Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and will display the glorious fredom of the Children of God.

Romans 8:22 - We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose for them.


Romans 8:19 - For the anxious longing of the Creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the Sons of God.

Romans 8:21 - For the Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and will display the glorious freedom of the Children of God.

Romans 8:22 - We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose for them.